How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Wellness

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Wellness

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Wellness

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Wellness

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Wellness

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Your oral health is more significant than you realize. It gives clues about your overall health. Therefore, it is essential to protect yourself by understanding your overall health and oral health.


Oral Health vs. Overall Health

So, what is the connection between your overall health and oral health? Like many other parts of your body, the mouth is full of bacteria that are often harmless. However, the mouth is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory systems. This means some of these bacteria pose a health risk.

Good oral care and your body’s immune system are enough to keep these bacteria under control. But insufficient oral hygiene can cause the bacteria to reach levels that can result in oral infections. These include gum disease and tooth decay.

Saliva is an essential asset in fighting this outcome. It helps neutralize acids produced by the bacteria and washes away food. However, certain medications such as painkillers and decongestants can decrease saliva flow. As a result, it weakens the protection against microbes. When they multiply, they can cause diseases.

Research shows that the inflammation and oral bacteria linked to severe gum disease play a significant role in some ailments. Moreover, certain conditions like HIV/AIDS and diabetes can decrease the body’s resistance to infection. This makes oral issues more severe.


Conditions Associated With Oral Health

Oral health might contribute to certain conditions and ailments. Some of them include:


Cardiovascular Disease

Research shows that stroke, clogged arteries, and heart disease link to oral health. Although the connection is not fully understood, researchers suggest it could be due to the infections and inflammations caused by oral bacteria.



It is an infection of the inner lining of your heart’s valves or chambers. It occurs when bacteria from other body areas spread through your bloodstream. When they attach to certain parts of your heart, the infection occurs. These germs or bacteria can originate from your mouth if you have poor hygiene.



Some bacteria in your mouth can flow through the bloodstream into your lungs. It can result in pneumonia and other respiratory conditions.


Birth and Pregnancy Complications

Research shows that periodontitis or severe gum disease can lead to premature birth. It also has links to low birth weight.


Protecting Your Overall Health Through Oral Health

To achieve optimal overall health through oral health, you must practice effective oral hygiene.


  • Floss daily.

  • Brush at least twice a day. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush for two minutes each time.

  • Avoid using tobacco.

  • Remove any food particles left after flossing and brushing using mouthwash.

  • Replace your toothbrush regularly.

  • Eat a healthy diet and cut down on sugary drinks and foods.

  • Schedule regular cleaning and checkups with your dentist.

Also, visit your dentist as soon as you notice any oral health issues. Taking care of your oral health ensures your overall health is optimal.

For more on the effects of your oral health on your overall health, visit Marine Park Periodontics and Implantology at our office in Brooklyn, New York. You can also call (646) 863-4810 to book an appointment today.