What Is Laser Dentistry and What Are the Benefits?

What Is Laser Dentistry and What Are the Benefits?

What Is Laser Dentistry and What Are the Benefits?

What Is Laser Dentistry and What Are the Benefits?

What Is Laser Dentistry and What Are the Benefits?

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Advancements in technology have modernized the dental process as specialists seek new and improved ways to provide quality dental care. The new developments have seen laser dentistry becoming quite popular.

Laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) offers an effective and less invasive treatment option. If you need dental care, you need to find out if you can benefit from the advanced technology. A laser dentist can ensure that the process is safe and effective.

It is vital to know what laser dentistry is and its benefits.

What Is Laser Dentistry?

Laser dentistry describes the process of using lasers to perform dental procedures. The specialist uses a dental laser to address different dental issues. The laser uses a narrow, focused, and powerful light beam to treat different issues. The light energy eliminates the pressure, heat, or vibrations associated with most dental procedures.

This means that the patient experiences little or no pain during treatment. Filling a cavity using a laser eliminates the need for anesthesia. Dental lasers are very versatile and have many applications in dentistry.

When to Use Laser Dentistry?

Dentists can use laser dentistry in different dental procedures. They include:

  • Teeth whitening - The most common in laser dentistry.

  • Treating tooth decay.

  • Treating hypersensitivity.

  • Gum reshaping.

  • Treating infections.

  • Addressing gum tissue problems.

Lasers can also enhance comfort where patients have mouth sores. The laser energy produces a specific reaction when it hits the tissue, allowing removal or shaping of the tissue.

Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is less invasive than other forms of treatment. It offers a more comfortable and easier treatment option than traditional procedures. Other benefits are it is less painful, there is no need for anesthesia, and it reduces chances of bacterial infections.

Laser dentistry results in the reduction of damage to the surrounding gum tissue and leaves no room for stitches. The recovery or healing process is much faster with laser dentistry.

Performing Laser Procedures

There are two main dental procedures performed using lasers: soft tissue and hard tissue procedures. Soft tissue procedures involve the gums, while hard tissue procedures refer to the teeth.

Some soft tissue procedures are reshaping gum tissue, crown lengthening, treating tongue frenulum, and removing soft tissue folds. Common hard tissue dental procedures include cavity detection, dental fillings, tooth preparation, and treating teeth sensitivity.

Types of Dental Lasers

Dental specialists use different types of lasers depending on the procedure. These are soft tissue lasers and hard tissue lasers. Some dental procedures require both types of lasers. The hard tissue laser uses wavelengths that can cut through the tooth structure.

These lasers prepare or shape the teeth during the composite bonding procedure. Soft tissue laser energy can be absorbed through hemoglobin and water. During laser treatment, the patient wears special glasses to protect the eyes.

Laser dentistry helps enhance oral health while improving the appearance of the gums. The procedure is safe and effective, and it works faster than traditional procedures.

To benefit from laser dentistry, visit Marine Park Periodontics and Implantology at our office in Brooklyn, New York. You can call (646) 863-4810 today to schedule an appointment.