Am I a Good Candidate for Scaling and Root Planing?

Am I a Good Candidate for Scaling and Root Planing?

Am I a Good Candidate for Scaling and Root Planing?

Am I a Good Candidate for Scaling and Root Planing?

Am I a Good Candidate for Scaling and Root Planing?

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Scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning that helps stop the progression of periodontal disease. It does this by removing debris, bacteria, and plaque from the pockets that open up between your teeth and gum. These pockets form mainly because of gingivitis or periodontal disease.


Hence, do not forget that healthy teeth require healthy gums. Many people focus more on having a white smile, forgetting about their gums. Practicing good oral hygiene is the most crucial action to prevent gum disease. However, there is still hope if you end up with gum disease. You can undergo a scaling and root planing procedure to help stop its progression.



Who Is a Good Candidate?



Good candidates for scaling and root planing are people at risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Here are a few discussion points to help you know if you are a good candidate.






As you grow older, plaque on your teeth forms into tartar, and pockets may also form between them. Scaling and root planing will get rid of the plaque and tartar. Otherwise, it will lead to further gum recession, and you may end up losing your teeth.


Teeth, especially in your old age, are crucial for biting, chewing, and talking. Talk to your dentist and schedule a checkup to see if you need scaling and root planing.






Some people have a predisposition to periodontal disease. It means that there is a history of periodontal disease in your family. If your gums get inflammation and bleed, these may be signs that you also need to get a scaling and root planing.


You may have good oral health habits, eat a balanced diet, and take vitamins, but the condition does not improve. It is time to take measures to get rid of tartar, plaque, and bacteria around your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. With scaling and root planing, you will preserve your teeth well into your old age.



Severe Issues With Plaque and Tartar



Scaling helps remove bacteria and tartar from your teeth surfaces and beneath your gums. If your root surfaces are already showing, the dentist will perform root planing to smooth them out. Smoothing out root surfaces discourages further buildup of plaque and tartar. It also removes bacteria and encourages healing and reattachment of the gum.






The symptoms of gingivitis include:


  • Loose teeth.
  • Red, swollen gums.
  • Persistent bad breath.
  • Changes with your bite.


Once the gum starts receding, pockets form between the teeth and gums. Bacteria get into these pockets and cause the teeth to decay from the roots. They also attack the bone that supports the teeth, causing bone loss. The gum recession may progress and result in periodontal disease.



Periodontal Disease



Periodontal disease causes gum recession, bleeding, and loss of teeth. Scaling and root planing will stop its progression and help your gums heal. With time, the swollen gums reduce and the bleeding stops, giving you relief from any pain. You will also be able to bite and chew food. However, some teeth may need replacement to allow you to regain your full oral functions.


For more information on scaling and root planing, visit Marine Park Periodontics and Implantology at our office in Brooklyn, New York. You can also call (646) 863-4810 to book an appointment today.