How Long After a Sinus Lift Can I Get Dental Implants?

How Long After a Sinus Lift Can I Get Dental Implants?

How Long After a Sinus Lift Can I Get Dental Implants?

How Long After a Sinus Lift Can I Get Dental Implants?

How Long After a Sinus Lift Can I Get Dental Implants?

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If you have a missing tooth or teeth, dental implants can fill in those gaps. To get dental implants, you need to have adequate bone to form a solid foundation for the implant. Your dentist may recommend a sinus lift procedure if you have inadequate bone density. This procedure, also known as a sinus graft, helps secure the implants. 



Why You Need Sinus Lift Surgery


A dental implant requires a stable and supportive jawbone for proper support and function. The upper jaw may have inadequate bone quantity and quality, making it challenging to place implants. In such a case, a sinus lift can make a significant difference. 


A sinus lift involves creating space for new bone in the maxillary sinuses. Maxillary sinuses are air-filled sacs located in the posterior upper jaw. Oral surgeons lift the air-filled sacs to graft bone between them, providing more bone to insert the implants. 



Reasons for Inadequate Jawbone


There are several reasons why a patient may have an inadequate jawbone. These include:


  • Insufficient jawbone due to congenital disabilities

  • Tooth loss or extractions cause the jawbone to become thin over time

  • Jawbone loss due to periodontal disease

  • Sinus cavities that are too thin or too large. It can be due to age

  • Bone damage due to cancer, cysts, or tumors


Dental surgeons examine the existing jawbone to determine if the patient requires a sinus lift. Some patients need a sinus lift due to a small jaw, proximity, or nearby teeth roots. For others, the location of nerves, blood vessels, and sinuses makes surgery necessary.



Types of Sinus Lift Procedures 


A sinus lift can be performed under IV sedation. For complex cases, the patient may require general anesthesia. During the procedure, surgeons raise the sinus before performing a bone graft for osseointegration. It is the process where the prosthetic implants connect with the regenerated bone. 


Surgeons can use different techniques to perform sinus lifts. They include the lateral window technique, direct sinus lift, osteotome technique, or indirect sinus lift. The osteotome technique is less invasive, allowing patients to recover faster. 



Recovering From a Sinus Lift 


Bleeding and swelling are common side effects after the surgery. The discomfort reduces in a few days, allowing you to return to your regular activities. Avoid smoking and strenuous activities during the recovery period. 


It helps to prevent complications such as perforation of the sinus membrane lining. Take medications as directed, be careful when sneezing or blowing your nose, and avoid using a straw for drinking.



How Long It Takes to Get Dental Implants 


Recovering from a sinus lift will depend on the technique or type of surgery you undergo. Light swelling and bleeding are normal, but if you experience severe pain and bleeding, contact your caregiver.  


You must heal completely from the sinus lift before you can get dental implants. It can take four to nine months for the bone to regenerate enough to allow effective placement of the implants. Compensating for the lost bone will enable dentists to place multiple implants. A sinus lift is an effective way to ensure successful dental implant treatment. 


For more on how long after a sinus lift can you get dental implants, visit Marine Park Periodontics and Implantology at our office in Brooklyn, New York. Call (646) 863-4810 to book an appointment today.