Replacement Options After a Tooth Extraction

Replacement Options After a Tooth Extraction

Replacement Options After a Tooth Extraction

Replacement Options After a Tooth Extraction

Replacement Options After a Tooth Extraction

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Have you ever lost a tooth? If you have, you know the feeling of having a hole in your smile. A missing tooth can do more than ruin your looks. It can also mess up your oral health and function. It can make your other teeth move, your bite shift, and your jawbone shrink. 

That is why you should replace a missing tooth as soon as possible. But how do you fill the gap left by a missing tooth? What are the best ways to restore your smile and your bite? Below are some popular and effective tooth replacement options after extraction. You will also find out the pros and cons of each option to help you choose the best one for you.


Dental Implants


These are artificial tooth roots your dentist puts into your jawbone with surgery. They hold your replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Dental implants look and feel like real teeth and last a long time. They can stay in your mouth for decades if you take good care of them.




They look, feel, and work just like your natural teeth. They keep your jawbone strong and your face shape intact. They do not affect your other teeth or gums. They are simple to clean and care for.




They cost more than other options. They involve surgery and recovery time. They may not work for everyone. It will depend on your dental health and bone condition.


Fixed Dental Bridge

A fixed dental bridge is a dental device that uses one or more artificial teeth to fill gaps left by a missing tooth. The dentist attaches the artificial teeth to crowns cemented onto the adjacent teeth. After tooth extraction, a fixed dental bridge can restore your smile and chewing ability.




They cost less than dental implants and do not require surgery or healing time, meaning less pain and hassle. You can get a dental bridge in a few visits, so you do not have to wait too long to enjoy your new smile.




They require shaving down your healthy teeth to fit the bridge. They can be hard to clean under the bridge, where food and bacteria get stuck. They can also cause your adjacent teeth to wear down or get damaged over time.


Removable Partial Denture


This is a dental device with one or more false teeth attached to a plastic or metal base. The dentist can clip the denture onto your natural teeth or gums with metal clasps or precision attachments. It can fill the gap left by one or more missing teeth after extraction.




They are the most economical way to replace a missing tooth after extraction. They are easy to change and fix if needed. You can also take them out for cleaning and comfort to keep your mouth healthy.



They may not fit snugly or firmly on your gums, making them move or fall out. They can irritate or infect your gums or teeth, which can cause pain or problems. They may also look fake or obvious in your mouth, affecting your confidence or appearance.


Different factors affect the best option for tooth replacement after extraction. These include your budget, insurance, oral health, bone condition, and personal choice.




The best way to determine which option is right for you is to consult your dentist. Your dentist can check your mouth, tell you the benefits and drawbacks of each option, and suggest the best one for you.


For more dental care tips, visit Marine Park Periodontics and Implantology at our Brooklyn, New York office. Call (646) 863-4810 to schedule an appointment today.