Signs You May Need a Tooth Extraction

Signs You May Need a Tooth Extraction

Signs You May Need a Tooth Extraction

Signs You May Need a Tooth Extraction

Signs You May Need a Tooth Extraction

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Dental problems can be painful and hinder your level of productivity. Your dental health determines whether you may need a tooth extraction. However, not every dental problem is an indicator for tooth extraction. There are a few key signs that mean you need a tooth extraction.


Severe Pain


Severe pain can mean that the tooth needs removal. Not all dental pain is a sign of a need for extraction. The following cases are ones in which you may need to extract your tooth:


  • If your tooth is severely damaged

  • If your tooth is getting infected

  • If your tooth has persistent pain after a crown procedure, root canal, or filling


Severe tooth damage is linked not only to damage from decay, placement problems, or gum disease. It can also occur from an injury or an accident.


Severe Tooth Decay and Chipped or Broken Teeth


Your dentist will advise you to extract your tooth if the decay is so severe that tooth fillings or root canals cannot help it. Also, you may have seriously broken teeth below the gumline that procedures such as crowns cannot help. Removal of the residual teeth can be the only option.


Teeth Crowding


Your teeth may not have grown in their appropriate position, causing crowding. Lack of enough room causes teeth to grow in abnormal spots to keep up with the other growing teeth. 


Crowding makes teeth displaced and crooked and can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing, pain, tooth decay, or gum disease. Tooth extraction creates space and allows teeth to grow in a healthy and natural position.


Gum Disease


Negligence of oral hygiene can lead to gum disease. Periodontal and gum disease can affect both your gums and teeth. Your teeth can begin rotting when bacteria eat away the bones that support the teeth. Infection from the bacteria can spread through your teeth and cause damage that can inhibit you from chewing. 


Some signs and symptoms of gum disease include having bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth, bleeding gums during and after brushing, loose teeth, swollen red gums, and a change in how your teeth fit together when you bite.


Your doctor may recommend tooth extraction if the infection from the gum disease requires tooth removal to stop the spread and protect your other teeth.


Impacted Wisdom Tooth


Impacted wisdom teeth are the molars that do not develop as they should. Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth that come into your mouth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, dental problems, and damage to the rest of the teeth. You can experience the following signs and symptoms:


  • Difficulty opening your mouth or eating

  • Bad breath

  • Bad taste in your mouth

  • Swollen or red gums

  • Bleeding or tender gums

  • Swelling and pain around your gums


Impacted teeth can sometimes have no problems. But since they are difficult to clean, they can be a risk factor for gum disease or decay. Your dentist can recommend teeth extraction if your wisdom teeth have remained impacted in the bone. 


Wisdom tooth extraction gets done regularly. Wisdom teeth can cause overcrowding and can grow crookedly, creating grounds for removal.


For more on reasons for tooth extraction, or to schedule an appointment and see if you need an extraction, call Marine Park Periodontics and Implantology at our office in Brooklyn, New York. You can call us at (646) 461-4351 today to schedule an appointment.